The Memories of Kanyakumari

Thiruvalluvar is a famous poet of Tamilnadu who lived in the eighth period. He authored “Thirukkural” which is considered as the moral code of living to be followed by every human being for a happy and wealthy life free of vice and individual greed. The Thiruvalluvar statue stands tall for a height of 95 feet with the inscriptions of his writing carved on the sculpture. A massive number of 1283 stones are used for building the statute and weighs around 1500 tons.

This memorial was created in respect to the late Former Chief Minister and freedom fighter Sri. Kamarajar. He also bore the title of the President of Indian National Congress and had the signature of “Black Gandhi” amongst the crowds for his devotion to ahimsa and non-violence. The Manimandapam expresses tales of free actions that he led during the pre-Independence period and his role in the model the modern state of Tamilnadu

While You Plan a Trip to Kanyakumari Stay at the Hotels in Kanyakumari near the beach to View the beauty Of Sunrise and Sunset.

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