Boat jetty in Kanyakumari is very famous. This boat jetty connects the important tourist destination in Kanyakumari. Both Vivekananda memorial and Thiruvalluvar statues have no passage between them, so the only connection between them and the land is the boats. Many local people depend on these boats to make a living.

Once you have entered the town of Kanyakumari there are many places to visit. So book Hotels in Kanyakumari with tariff to stay. Most people who come to Kanyakumari will definitely go to the Vivekananda memorial and Thiruvalluvar Statue. So practically you will use the boats to reach there.

Before boarding the boat make sure your luggage is safe. Boatmen will give you life jackets wear it before starting to sail. If you have children with keeping them close, they fall into the water. After reaching the island the boatmen will collect your jackets.

The boats will wait for you until your return. You can wear your jackets and board your boat like before. These boats will not charge you more the town have a fixed price for each boat. And also it very safe coastguards will be on patrol you need not worry about anything.

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