Famous Food in Kanyakumari

Every district in Tamil Nadu has its own famous food items and food style which is unique among other states. In such a way, we will have a look at the famous foods that are prepared in a unique way in Kanyakumari.

Banana chips are one the famous food in Kanyakumari. People visiting here will definitely live this taste and would want to buy it for home as well. The major difference in the making is that here it is fried in coconut oil which gives an additional taste to it.

Minced parotta which is commonly called kothu parotta which is made in a very unique way. The parotta is minced into pieces and fried with chicken or egg which gives a super taste. The sound made while making kothu parotta also will be good as you will enjoy that as well. You can find this dish at many  Hotels at Kanyakumari and you should definitely give a try.

Another unique dish which is made in Kanyakumari is Pazha bajji which means a snack item made up of banana. In the other part of the state you can find bajji made up of vegetables which is spicy but in Kanyakumari, you can find this unique dish which tastes sweeter as it is made up ripped banana.

When you visit Kanyakumari you should give a try. No need that you should visit a luxurious and a costlier hotel there are many hotels in Kanyakumari with tariff that can help you to sort out your budget as well.

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