Kanyakumari – One day travel experience?

Our trip to Kanyakumari made us experience different awesome memories which I am very happy to share about. Our experiences in these wonderful urban zones of this beautiful state will doubtlessly help you in picking the best spots to visit for your trip at Kanyakumari.

If you are about to view Kanyakumari’s grandeur then starting of the year i.e. at January end is the perfect choice as the temperature will be ranging here within 25 degree Celsius at that time which gives us pleasant feel of climate and traveling part will be very much fun at the same time we won’t get tired that much.

These are my best experiences I went through at our vacation which I sorted out below:

1.Vivekananda Statue:

We are about to start our Journey by visiting Vivekananda Memorial, which makes us anxiously headed there. The beautiful perspective here is seeing the Indian Ocean and its waves. The astounding engineering of dedication was built to respect Swami Vivekananda in the mid-70s.

Here we can witness the two sculptures which are very important to visit at Kanyakumari one is Vivekananda Mandapam and another one is Shirpada Mandapam. Then we boarded a ship to arrive at the commemoration. The exciting ship venture gave the hypnotizing feel and made us hopelessly enamored with it. In the wake of visiting the remembrance, we appreciated the neighborhood luxuries from the close-by road shops.

2. Kumari Amman Temples Architectural wonder:

This is one of the memorable ones which we saw as the morning bliss besides our Hotel at Kanyakumari which we stayed in. This temple is full of architectural wonders and it is devoted to Parvathi Amman. This gets very interesting as we came to know that here Goddess Parvathi, to marry Lord Shiva meditated for many years. Our guide revealed to us the whole story about this holy place and we saw explorers offering praise to Parvathi Amman. This spiritualist spot shows the engineering of the two great dynasty Cholas and Pandyas. The later changes were finished by rulers of Nayaka and Vijayanagara. The lovely compositions and Navaratri Mandapam’s carvings mirror the splendor of the laborers who worked tirelessly the whole day to exhibit this Architect wonder to us now.

Within a day, we witnessed these amazing spots by reaching Kanyakumari and we would love to share more views on our whole experience which will be surely interesting for the blog readers.

Read More: Hotels in Kanyakumari near beach


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