The Southern most Tip Of India – Kanyakumari

The word Kanyakumari in Sanskrit means the virgin girl. The city obtains its name from the goddess Kumari Amman since the temple is located here. This is the southern endpoint of country India and has two exciting stories attached to it. One describes the appearance of so many small rocks near the shore and the other concerns about the appearance of medicinal and therapeutic plants at a nearby hill. With reverence to the first myth, it is said that the Kanya Devi, one of the manifestations of Goddess Parvati, was to marry Lord Shiva but she disappointed him without showing up on the day of the wedding.

As a result, the rice which was stored in the pot stopped to cook and later converted into small rocks, which are present to date. With regard to the presence of a number of herbal therapeutic plants, it is said that when Lord Hanuman was soaring over this place bearing the mountain of herbal medicines, one of the rock from the mountain fell down hereabouts. This place has also meant referred to in the Ptolemy’s stories for being a place of active trade.

With these fascinating legends and facts, stunning views of sunsets and sunrise, panoramic scenes of the sea and plenty of temples of idols, forts and palaces, Kanyakumari draws tourists from far and deep. The hotels in Kanyakumari cater to the lingering needs of these visitors. Since the place is little, you can transverse into the width and breadth of this city irrespective of wherever you are staying. Besides, you can enjoy all kinds of foods in Kanyakumari hotels, vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian, and north as well as south Indian.

Kanyakumari has a variety of sightseeing avenues for travellers. The figure of Thiruvalluvar looks majestic during the night when it is fully lighted. Vivekananda Rock Memorial is two stone islets off the shore which were constructed in 1970. Ferry rides are available for entering these destinations. There is stone called Dhayaan Mandap which is used for meditation. The Kumari Amman temple is the Shakti Peeth which is the primary landmark in this area. The Gandhi Memorial is another important tourist fascination which was used for putting the urn having ashes of the Father of Nation before they were dissolved in the ocean.

The rocky Muttom beach is popular among the fun-loving visitors who are seeing to relax and unravel on the coasts of the beach or simply sit on the stones and get into a meditative mood hearing to the music of sea waves smashing against the boulders.

The hotel booking in Kanyakumari is a breeze since hotels are open for booking all over the year. Many online sources provide the ability to book hotels online including the websites of hotels themselves as well as travel companies. You do not have to face the troubles of looking for proper service after arriving there.

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