Kanyakumari, the end of a country, where two seas meet an ocean

Kanyakumari is a fascinating place, simply because it is the last bit of land in the southern part of India. Kanyakumari is a city of Kanyakumari district in Tamilnadu state.  Kanyakumari also called as “God’s own district”. The name ‘Kanya Kumari’ come from the Devi Kanya Kumari Temple in that region. In Tamil, it is pronounced as ‘Kan-Niya-kumari’. Kanniya Kumari is the only place in India where you can see the confluence of two seas to an Ocean – Bay of Bengal sea and the Arabian Sea meet in the Indian Ocean. It is one of the most important places as a Hindu pilgrim center, it is also very famous for its beautiful views of sunrise and sunset over the waters, Greenland, and endless sea flowing. You can easily find any Budget hotels in Kanyakumari to plan for your best vacation destination. You can spend a perfect holiday in Kanyakumari with coastal food and natural pleasure. The beach of Kanyakumari is a grand combination of soft golden sand and shimmering waters of the endless sea that kisses the skyline. The waves of the sea here are pretty strong and that is why visitors are not advised to enter the waters. At the moment when those unruly waves hit the rocky shoreline of the beach; the effect is a real spectacle!

If you are a photographer, then this is the free canvas for you to capture this beautiful scenario in your frame. The beauty of sunrise and sunset give pleasure to your eyes and heart. To enjoy this charming beauty of nature you need to find out Hotels in Kanyakumari near beach. Visitors mostly visit tourist destinations like Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Sangam and Kanyakumari temple in Kanyakumari. Presence of the lighthouse at beach enhance the charms of this place. People generally go to the aforementioned light louse to enjoy mesmerizing views of the never-ending blue waters. If you feel you need a refreshingholiday and you want to enjoy your holiday with historical and natural, then Kanyakumari is the best place for you. So, what are you waiting for a plan for your next destination to Kanyakumari?

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