A Trip to Padmanabapuram palace with regal heritage

To the northwest of knayakumari  about an hour distance the  most popular town of Padmanabhapuram is situated. It is the famous day trip with the regal heritage. It was the capital of the princely state of Travancore in 1795. Now it was relocated to Trivandrum (now the capital of kerala). The main attraction of kanyakumari is the Padmanabhapuram palace  which back dated to 1600.  This place is specially made with largest wooden works in Asia. It is admired for its architecture and craftsmanship. This place has a significant attraction for its woodwork on the walls and the ceilings. The place is spread over more than six acres inside the fort. This place also has the museum.

There is also a famous temple called Thanumalayan Temple in Suchindram which is situated on the way of  Padmanabhapuram Palace. It is one of the rare temples in India where Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma are worshiped as a trinity. There are many Hotel Booking in Kanyakumari especially near this place for the worship of these two places.

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