Winter and Monsoons in Kanyakumari

In Kanyakumari, it is said that the winters are not that much different from summers. In the month of December, the monsoon starts and it lasts till the month of March. The minimum temperature that is recorded id 17-degree Celsius and it extends to a maximum of 34 degree Celsius. Due to the cold winds from the sea, the city remains chill through these days. So people who love to experience the chill climate can visit the city and stay at a hotel in Kanyakumari and have a pleasant time.

Monsoon in Kanyakumari is mainly the Rainfall and the Thunderstorms the city received. The annual rainfall of Kanyakumari is said to be approximately around 1462mm. Due to the rainfall, the temperature is low during this period. Usually, the monsoons start from the month of June and last till late September. The main festival that is celebrated during this period is the festival of Navratri. It takes place in the last week of October. It lasts for nine days and different incarnations of Mahashakthi are worshipped during these days. It is very special in the city and celebrated in a grand manner. People from other cities should give a try.

People who are visiting the city can stay at Hotel temple citi which is one the best hotels at Kanyakumari who provide good service and accommodation at a lesser price.

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